Author: NewsDesk

The News Desk is a generic account for publishing guest submissions as well as works not attributed to a lone Colonial News Bulletin author.
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New Gyr’s 30th Annivesary: A Welcome from the Speaker

The following is a message from Speaker Arlanna Ryf-av:

As Speaker of the Silent Conversation, I want to welcome all of you to our commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of New Gyr. We have worked hard to put together an event that recalls our past but looks towards the future; that reflects the diversity of our land and its people; and that emphasizes our commitments to inclusion and fair treatment of all – be they Innate, Evos, or Augment; be they Dawnlighter or Follower of the Tides. We are looking forward to a joyful, hopeful, peaceful celebration, and we hope that you all will join with us in that spirit.

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Enact AI Legislation Now before Politicians Become Obsolete

The G9-45, Enterios’s latest and greatest in un-capped, fully autonomous androids, debuted in a limited sale on Ottsalia last week. Leveraging the most adaptable AI ever produced, it is capable of handling nearly all tasks formerly requiring a human user – completely eliminating the need for human labor, if you can afford the price tag. Though organic staff members may still oversee them in some workplaces, they will likely soon be replaced by robots.

How about Humanly Outraged? – Response to Innately Outraged

Humans are not machines, and machines are not humans. That’s just reality, and the HUMAN capability to feel empathy has nothing to do with it! New Gyr should indeed be a place of refuge, but granting human status to non-humans will not further that goal.

There is nothing greedy or complacent about using robots for labor that no human can safely do. Frankly, intelligence caps on androids may very well be preventing humans from being ruled by deathless cybermasters!

Call for Speaker Ryf-Av to not be Silent in Android Conversation

It has been 30 years since the colonists of Phaellos III declared this world to be New Gyr, a place of safety and refuge for the lost and persecuted. To do this they had to rely on the values of empathy and understanding, reaching out to others who they previously feared or called enemies. Now, however, greed and complacency have lead us to put those same values to shame. All around us, every day, sentient Androids suffer in servitude and enforced ignorance due to an outdated legal definition that could be corrected with a few keystrokes.

Letters Behind the Blockade: A Father’s Grief for Three Children

To the Galaxy at Large,

I had three children once.

My eldest daughter was a researcher and on a surface installation outside of one of the larger caves in the southern hemisphere of Agerre. She was had a brilliant mind and was very gifted, finishing her advanced studies on Baryos two years early. She returned to our homeworld to study the plant and animal life with some new theories about making life-saving medicines. She was killed in an orbital bombardment when Admiral Therra returned.