Leye Rag-in, Councillor to the Silent Conversation and Leader to the Ways of the Currents, wrote this letter to discuss their views on the upcoming vote. Thirty years ago, the people of Phaelos III made a […]
Category: Opinions
A section for Colonial News Bulletin staff or guests to voice their concerns and opinions on past, present and future affairs. A more civil way to duel with words rather than the vibrosword.
OP/ED: The Colonial Congress Vote
Everyone has been spending a great deal of time discussing the impending votes about legal rights for artificial beings, and which corporate power should be running the majority of New Gyr’s infrastructure. But there’s one […]
SUBMISSION: Opinion: What Does None Mean
What does the choice None mean to me? I was asked this by someone who is concerned for the future of New Gyr, my home these past ten years. None, for me empowers the […]
READER SUBMISSION: A Stinging Eyes Response
(for immediate release) As people might have learned if they had come to the conversation we hosted this morning, welcoming all parties to speak, the Stinging Eyes are here to amplify the voices of native […]
READER SUBMISSION: Please, don’t let off-world activists ruin our planet
[Written WITHOUT consent of the Triskele Corporation] Over the past few hours, you’ve heard a lot from the “none” activists, Non-Gyran anti-corporate protestors who want to put the planet on a better way forward. (Have […]
An AI To Replace The Ancient One: From Destruction To Salvation
There have been rumors that the Dawnlighters are interested in replacing the Ancient AI that controls the planet-wide weapon system with an AI that has a soul, that has the ability to care for people […]

Letter from New Gyr – The Opinions of an Agerran on a Free New Gyr
The following is the personal opinion and commentary of Jacek Regolith. It does not necessaraly represent the views of the Colonial News Bulletin
At the beginning of the Silent Conversation meeting, the Speaker announced that New Gyr must “Figure out where to go next”.
You don’t even have to post this, but I just gotta say, DID YOU SEE THAT CONCERT LAST NIGHT? RFCB just smashed my expectations! And that ukulele. And I didn’t even know that much kite […]

CNB Editorial: Vote for the Future! Vote for New Gyr!
The following represents the official opinion of the Colonial News Bulletin on New Gyr regarding the pending vote this afternoon. Enterios built a way to talk to the Ancient AI under the planet more effectively. […]
A Statement from Bellicose Penumbra
There are a lot of things I don’t care about. I don’t care about my homeworld. I don’t care about politics or history. I don’t care about philosophy and ‘traditional’ culture. I do care about […]
Placebo weighs in to effect election
I’m just a musician. I’ve been just a musician for thirty years now. I walked away from everything else – – I mean, I fucking ran – – because I was terrified of what my […]

Black Hole Of Information
Is there a massive black hole at the center of the galaxy that had the Ancients running scared? A black hole big enough that it might be related to, or even the reason behind the […]
The ship is Gyr. Gyr is the ship.
The ship is Gyr. Gyr is the ship. The Coral is Pure. The ship is Gyr. Gyr is the ship. The ship is Gyr. Gyr is the ship. The ship is Gyr. The Coral […]

Letter to the Editor: The Real Targets in the Android Rights Debate – Augments
Dear Editor, I think many people in the Android/AI rights debate are missing what this is ACTUALLY about. Let’s think for a moment: What’s the definition of an Android? We don’t call a robot arm […]

Letter to the Editor: Response to A Soul Makes A Person
The following letter is a response to the writer of A Soul Makes a Person, Not Artificial Intelligence: There are two simple questions you should consider. One: Do all living people have souls? Surely you have […]

Letter to the Editor: A Soul Makes a Person, not Artificial Intelligence
Dear Editor,
I remember a time when Robotics research held the lofty goal of easing human labor and creating better tools, not fashioning “people”. Now, it seems, the Galaxy has gone mad and we are asking ourselves if we want to give human status to machines – to tools, mind you.
Letter to the Editor: Not to Split Hairs over Splitting Tables …
All due respect to your last submitter, but they are so very, very wrong.
I too, was a first responder to Phaelos III, a service technician of sorts. And what your previous writer failed to mention was that in the first three days of habitation, not one, but THREE tables met their end.

Speaker Ryf-Av, Silent Conversation: Call to End the Blockade of Agerre
Each morning I wake up and keep to a ritual. Shower. Dress. Coffee and a smoke outside the newsroom. Breakfast occurs somewhere in there, along with some chatting and the start of the workday.
But as I have my coffee and smoke, I take in the scene around me that many others in New Gyr take for granted each day. Green grass and trees toward one horizon. A breeze carries fresh salty spray from the other horizon. Above, a blue sky that kisses the ocean as the two meet in the distance.

Enact AI Legislation Now before Politicians Become Obsolete
The G9-45, Enterios’s latest and greatest in un-capped, fully autonomous androids, debuted in a limited sale on Ottsalia last week. Leveraging the most adaptable AI ever produced, it is capable of handling nearly all tasks formerly requiring a human user – completely eliminating the need for human labor, if you can afford the price tag. Though organic staff members may still oversee them in some workplaces, they will likely soon be replaced by robots.
Baryosi Comma is Pointless Punctuation
There has been blood spilled. This war has spread to nearly all worlds and has resulted in dozens of duels. And now, dear reader, the war has reached New Gyr and our own very newsroom. Rest assured that I will stand with you on the side of that which is correct, which all peoples can agree is good and just. We will stand opposed to the Baryosi Comma!