[START SPONSORED CONTENT] My editor told me I should do a puff piece to offset some of the heavy journalism I’ve been engaged in lately, so here’s a quick list of some of the latest […]
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Seven Deadly Glitches [SPONSORED]
[START SPONSORED CONTENT] It seems pretty clear that Augments have it rough. Oh, sure, they’re very shiny and have some useful gear, but none of it comes without a very steep price tag. Basmati Ral […]

The 6 weirdest Augments ever sold. You won’t believe number 2! [SPONSORED]
#6: SharkNose, “The Nose that Pros Know Knows”
Sold by: Green Excelsior Evo Solutions
SharkNose started out as an okay idea. Since many Ottsalian sharks have the ability to sense electric fields with their noses, Green Excelsior designed a dynavolution surgery that gave humans a shark nose. Of course, SharkNose couldn’t do anything that a handheld electrician’s sensor couldn’t, but the surgery saw some limited success among engineers who wanted to keep their hands empty.
Androids: Triskele and the Human Condition
There is a lot being said about Android rights, in the moments leading up to the celebration imminent on New Gyr. I feel, however, that too many so-called activists don’t understand the realities involved in the debate. My aim is to clear that up, on the eve of the coming festivities.

EnteriOOPS: Three times the galaxy’s favorite corporation accidentally helped out war criminals [SPONSORED]
[START SPONSORED CONTENT] We all try to do our best to make the galaxy a better place. Even, sometimes, our corporate overlords at the Enterios Corporation (haha, I kid, I kid, of course they’re trying […]