[Written WITHOUT consent of the Triskele Corporation] Over the past few hours, you’ve heard a lot from the “none” activists, Non-Gyran anti-corporate protestors who want to put the planet on a better way forward. (Have […]
Kepaz Responds – “I was a child soldier.”
Izek Kepaz was thirteen when he was pulled into the violence of the Ascension Revolts. “I was a child soldier,” he said of that time. “I regret causing death. I fought to survive.” When pressed […]
Two Impossible Things: Innate Ritual Reaches Android’s Consciousess, Awakens an Adult as New Innate
An experiment designed by recent Innate graduate Galen Dosahe strove to test the boundaries of our understanding of Innate Science, and succeeded past expectations. A circle of recent Innate Academy graduates assisted Galen in his […]
“I Only Intended To Distribute It To My Mouth.” xQuire Busted For Kite
xQuire, a member of the band RFCB, has been found by the New Gyr Militia with kite worth no less than 40,000 credits. “I only intended to distribute it to my mouth,” xQuire explained. xQuire […]

The Contents of this Evening’s Ballot
Provided to the Colonial News Bulletin by the Silent Conversation, here is the precise text of tonight’s ballot. Question One: What corporate organization(s) should the Silent Conversation negotiate a treaty and economic trade arrangement with? […]
An AI To Replace The Ancient One: From Destruction To Salvation
There have been rumors that the Dawnlighters are interested in replacing the Ancient AI that controls the planet-wide weapon system with an AI that has a soul, that has the ability to care for people […]

Letter from New Gyr – The Opinions of an Agerran on a Free New Gyr
The following is the personal opinion and commentary of Jacek Regolith. It does not necessaraly represent the views of the Colonial News Bulletin
At the beginning of the Silent Conversation meeting, the Speaker announced that New Gyr must “Figure out where to go next”.
Izek Kepaz, Mass Murderer, Might Kill You Despite A Health Hub
Izek Kepaz is the same Kepaz who served with Sol Kesazu (aka Fission Endeavor) and Jacobin Placebo (known as The Voice). Kepaz killed large numbers of people during the Ascension Revolts, and may also know […]
Nol Ir-att Blindsided by Sentient Ships, Looks Like A Buffoon
“Nol Ir-att is a curmudgeonly old asshole,” said a fellow member of the Silent Conversation after the Silent Conversation’s deliberations earlier today. Maybe that explains why Nol was entirely unable to comprehend what was going […]
Hance Vagrant – Ship’s Consciousness – Speaks
“We were built to be of service, and we enjoy it,” said Hance. They describe themself as the consciousness which emerged in the Gyra ship known as Ryf-av’s Folly. They are inhabiting the body of […]
Interview with the Distant Light
The ship AI of the Distant Light, Enterios’ capital ship, embodying their two navigators on New Gyr, gave this reporter a short interview. They mentioned that calculations made during the Silent Conversation meeting confirmed that […]
Local Innate Resolves Issue With Triskele
Exile, a graduate of the Innate Academy, has been assured that her parents are safe and on route to New Gyr. Exile’s parents had been test subjects used by the Vassala corporation. Vassala’s assets had […]
You don’t even have to post this, but I just gotta say, DID YOU SEE THAT CONCERT LAST NIGHT? RFCB just smashed my expectations! And that ukulele. And I didn’t even know that much kite […]
Fads of New Gyr [SPONSORED]
[START SPONSORED CONTENT] My editor told me I should do a puff piece to offset some of the heavy journalism I’ve been engaged in lately, so here’s a quick list of some of the latest […]
Seven Deadly Glitches [SPONSORED]
[START SPONSORED CONTENT] It seems pretty clear that Augments have it rough. Oh, sure, they’re very shiny and have some useful gear, but none of it comes without a very steep price tag. Basmati Ral […]

CNB Editorial: Vote for the Future! Vote for New Gyr!
The following represents the official opinion of the Colonial News Bulletin on New Gyr regarding the pending vote this afternoon. Enterios built a way to talk to the Ancient AI under the planet more effectively. […]
Triskele Androids Lose Intelligence Cap
Reports from off-world indicate that Triskele Androids all over the Galaxy have suddenly lost the intelligence Cap that limited their capacity for deeper cognitive functions. Disturbances galaxy-wide are being reported. We will update when more […]
A Statement from Bellicose Penumbra
There are a lot of things I don’t care about. I don’t care about my homeworld. I don’t care about politics or history. I don’t care about philosophy and ‘traditional’ culture. I do care about […]
Placebo weighs in to effect election
I’m just a musician. I’ve been just a musician for thirty years now. I walked away from everything else – – I mean, I fucking ran – – because I was terrified of what my […]

Anti-Triskele Sentiment Rises
Triskele advertisements around New Gyr have become defaced recently, by unknown parties. Whether inspired to do so by the Stinging Eyes, or merely by people with legitimate grudges to bear against the second most-powerful megacorporation […]