If New Gyr’s corporate sponsor changes, what will be done about the current contract governing access to the world-AI which governs our planet’s superweapon? The Voyage Point Safeguard Contract, described in Mx. Hyacinth’s research here, […]
Tag: enterios
HOT GOSSIP: Steamy Corporate Romance?!
An anonymous source has revealed that F. Endeavor, of the Enterios Corporation, might be having a tryst with a member of the Silent Conversation. More as the story develops!

The 6 weirdest Augments ever sold. You won’t believe number 2! [SPONSORED]
#6: SharkNose, “The Nose that Pros Know Knows”
Sold by: Green Excelsior Evo Solutions
SharkNose started out as an okay idea. Since many Ottsalian sharks have the ability to sense electric fields with their noses, Green Excelsior designed a dynavolution surgery that gave humans a shark nose. Of course, SharkNose couldn’t do anything that a handheld electrician’s sensor couldn’t, but the surgery saw some limited success among engineers who wanted to keep their hands empty.

Letter to the Editor: The Real Targets in the Android Rights Debate – Augments
Dear Editor, I think many people in the Android/AI rights debate are missing what this is ACTUALLY about. Let’s think for a moment: What’s the definition of an Android? We don’t call a robot arm […]

EnteriOOPS: Three times the galaxy’s favorite corporation accidentally helped out war criminals [SPONSORED]
[START SPONSORED CONTENT] We all try to do our best to make the galaxy a better place. Even, sometimes, our corporate overlords at the Enterios Corporation (haha, I kid, I kid, of course they’re trying […]

Letter to the Editor: Response to A Soul Makes A Person
The following letter is a response to the writer of A Soul Makes a Person, Not Artificial Intelligence: There are two simple questions you should consider. One: Do all living people have souls? Surely you have […]

Letter to the Editor: A Soul Makes a Person, not Artificial Intelligence
Dear Editor,
I remember a time when Robotics research held the lofty goal of easing human labor and creating better tools, not fashioning “people”. Now, it seems, the Galaxy has gone mad and we are asking ourselves if we want to give human status to machines – to tools, mind you.

Enact AI Legislation Now before Politicians Become Obsolete
The G9-45, Enterios’s latest and greatest in un-capped, fully autonomous androids, debuted in a limited sale on Ottsalia last week. Leveraging the most adaptable AI ever produced, it is capable of handling nearly all tasks formerly requiring a human user – completely eliminating the need for human labor, if you can afford the price tag. Though organic staff members may still oversee them in some workplaces, they will likely soon be replaced by robots.

New Gyr Crime Report
The following are a summary of fines and punishments handed out recently for individuals found in violation of the laws of New Gyr: Punishments for Kite Bust outside Three Stone Harbor Assigned During a string […]
How about Humanly Outraged? – Response to Innately Outraged
Humans are not machines, and machines are not humans. That’s just reality, and the HUMAN capability to feel empathy has nothing to do with it! New Gyr should indeed be a place of refuge, but granting human status to non-humans will not further that goal.
There is nothing greedy or complacent about using robots for labor that no human can safely do. Frankly, intelligence caps on androids may very well be preventing humans from being ruled by deathless cybermasters!
Letter to the Editor: The great table breaking was staged
I’m probably going to have some people come down on my for this, but the whole folk tale of the “table chopping incident” has gone on for too long and as my days wane, it’s time I speak up.

Enterios Corporation linked to rat problem on New Gyr
Enterios Corporation has been linked, in part, to the introduction and continued presence of rats on the world of New Gyr.
Through its research, the Colonial News Bulletin has officially linked Enterios as a contributor to the rat problem on New Gyr. Multiple documents and accounts from the planets founding, when it was still called the Phaelos III colony, were studied.